

What are the sizes of X-ray image intensifiers

As an indispensable part of medical equipment, X-ray image intensifiers can improve the quality and visualization of X-ray images. The size of X-ray image intensifiers also varies in different medical applications. Let’s take a closer look at their sizes, functions and features.

1. Mini model: Small and portable, easy to use in laboratories or mobile clinics. These intensifiers are typically small, portable, and provide high-quality radiographic image enhancement. The mini intensifier with rechargeable battery can be conveniently used for field diagnosis, solving the problem of insufficient medical resources in some remote areas.

2. Standard model: suitable for use in general medical institutions. The standard intensifier is relatively large in size and has strong processing power and image enhancement effects. These intensifiers are usually installed in fixed locations and are used for routine diagnosis and treatment, meeting the needs of most hospitals and clinics.

3. High-end model: suitable for professional medical research institutions and large medical centers. High-end intensifiers are usually larger in size, have more complex internal structures, have higher resolutions and more image enhancement functions. These intensifiers are suitable for complex medical research, such as cardiovascular disease diagnosis, neurosurgery guidance, etc.

It should be noted that the size of the X-ray image intensifier is not the only measurement criterion. When choosing a suitable enhancer, you also need to consider factors such as specific application scenarios, budget constraints, usage requirements, etc.

image intensifiers

Post time: Feb-16-2024