

How to connect the X-ray machine to replace the new exposure handswitch?

The X-ray handswitch is a hand-held switch, usually set to two gears, but there are also one gear handswitch (such as a dental handbrake) and three gears. The two-speed handbrake grading switch is turned on when the button is pressed, and turned off when released. Press the button to the first step I gear is turned on, and all I gears are turned on. At this time, the I gear is still on, and the handbrake is equipped with Fixed bracket. The detection method of the wiring of the X-ray hand switch: The X-ray hand  switch is kept in the first gear (READY) state, and the multimeter is used to detect the 1-4 pins of the crystal plug. Method: The multimeter modulates the diode detection gear, use the red and black test pens to connect the multimeter to make a tweet, use the red test pen of the multimeter to place the 1st pin of the crystal head, and use the black test pen to detect the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th pins in turn; then the red pen 2 feet, the black pen -3 feet, black pen 4 feet, and so on. This method can detect the wiring mode of the first gear (READY) of the X-ray hand brake switch (record the pin number of the plug).
The detection method of X-ray hand switch second gear (X-RAY) is the same as that of first gear (READY).
After reading the above content, everyone knows the wiring of the exposure handswitch. If you are interested, please contact me on whatsapp number +8617616362243!

p1L01-hand-switch 3

Post time: Apr-26-2022